Mind, Body and Spirit : My New Year Resolutions

We take our New Year resolutions seriously here in the HFTB household.

Mr HFTB tends toward fun resolutions, his resolution to drink more champagne was a particular highlight resulting in a fabulous, lush-tastic champagne drenched year that our friends enjoyed almost as much as we did.

Mmmmmm, champagne, decadent but lovely and if you make it your resolution to drink it, you'll be surprised how many bottles will come your way!

Mmmmmm, champagne

I tend to go toward the slightly more serious resolution, last year my commitment to observe ‘Vegan Mondays’ resulted in a full conversion to veganism just three short weeks later.

This year, I decided to pick a resolution each for mind, body and spirit:

Mind : The Writing Challenge

I love creative writing. Like probably a good 90% of the population, I harbour desires to pen a novel at some stage. What I lack however, is the discipline to actually sit down and write: It’s amazing how slow progress can be when you never put pen to paper.

My resolution is not to write a novel, but to forge the habit of creative writing. Therefore I am going to endeavour to write something creative, every single day. The aim is to average 500 words a day, some days there will be more, some days less, but those words have got to get on that page somehow.

Body : Dry January

I’m not a particularly big drinker anymore, but I am a Friday night drinker. It caught me by surprise when we were doing our Crossfit induction how grumpy I got on a Friday afternoon, knowing that I wasn’t going to have my ‘well earned’ glass of wine (or four) that evening. I don’t like being reliant on things, or being weak willed. So that’s a habit that has to go.

So alcohol is out for the whole of January and will be less prevalent through the remainder of the year to follow.

Spirit : Cherish my friends

I am, officially, a rubbish friend. My friends know this and they’re still friends with me anyway, but I sometimes wonder how much longer they will put up with my total inability to respond to texts and emails, or give them a call, just for the sake of it. I don’t remember their birthdays, their kids’ birthdays, their wedding anniversaries and I rarely see them (oddly enough, I seem to see more of my friends who live further away than those who live on my doorstep).

So this will be the year of careful thought about my friends, I will make an extra effort to remember those important events and to send cards to show I care. I will send random texts, just to let them know I am thinking of them. I may even give them a call!

I love my friends and this is the year that I will let them know.

Now, I know there is a tradition of New Year resolutions being broken, but not for me. In the words of one of my favourite motivational speakers:

‘Do. Or do not. There is no try’


Yoda : Wise he is
Photo credit : free-extra.com

Happy New Year everybody : I wish you all a happy and healthy 2013.

6 thoughts on “Mind, Body and Spirit : My New Year Resolutions

  1. Great resolutions. I am one of your 90% and a couple of months ago I put pen to paper with a 1500 words per week target. I seem to be averaging approx 2000. It’s good to beat your target so I think a low one is better because there is a good feeling when you hit it. I’m up to 13,200. I will follow you because I would like regular wordage updates! Think of me as a Jimmney Cricket looking, watching and expecting! No pressure though. . .

    • Ha, yes I find it pretty hard to keep up with everything – I often only get chance to catch up once a week, hence why I can be a bit slow to respond sometimes!!

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